Induction, deduction and mammoth trails
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The paper examines various instances of 'inductionism-deductionism' controversion (e.g. Popper vs Vienna Circle or the formulation of Laudan's argument against realism as pessimistic meta-induction vs. kind of deduction). The thesis is that the form of logical reconstruction of our reasoning (in every-day life as well as in science or meta-science) as induction or deduction is irrelevant as to the rational evaluation of this reasoning. Thus the inductionism-deductionism controversion is claimed vacuous. Instead of formal logic a sort of evolutionary epistemology is called for adequate account, since - as it is argued for - the degree of sensitivity to counterexamples contradicting our theories and hypotheses is a kind of adaptation to environment.
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Tałasiewicz, M. (2007). Induction, deduction and mammoth trails. Philosophical Problems in Science (Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce), (40), 3–11. Retrieved from
Laudan, Larry (1981), „A Confutation of Convergent Realism”, Philosophy of Science, vol. 48, p. 19–49.
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Popper, Karl R. (1959/2002), Logika odkrycia naukowego, WN PWN, Warszawa 2002 (wyd. angielskie Logic of scientific discovery, London 1959).
(1996), Świat skłonności, Znak, Kraków.
Rodzeń, Jacek (2006), „Kilka uwag o tzw. pesymistycznej meta–indukcji”, Filozofia Nauki 4/2006.
Tałasiewicz, Mieszko (2000), Pojęcie racjonalności nauk empirycznych, Wydawnictwo WFiS UW, Warszawa.
Życiński, Józef (1993), Granice racjonalności, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.