Against psycho-physical dualism. An Analysis and comparison of George Lakoff's and John Searle's accounts

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Daniel Milewski


This paper discusses John Searle’s biological naturalism and George Lakoff’s embodied mind hypothesis. These theories are presented as examples of a certain part of the philosophy of mind that breaks with the tradition launched by Descartes. In both cases, the break from this tradition is indicated to be a radical one as the theories argue not only against Cartesian dualism - the basic philosophical categories utilized by Descartes are being questioned. This attempt of departure from distinctions that seem to form a great part of the contemporary philosophy of mind may stand for a chance to provide a new perspective for some old philosophical problems.

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How to Cite
Milewski, D. (2014). Against psycho-physical dualism. An Analysis and comparison of George Lakoff’s and John Searle’s accounts. Philosophical Problems in Science (Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce), (56), 57–92. Retrieved from


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