John Paul II on relation between science and religion

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Zbigniew Wolak


The relation between science and religion is a very interesting subject for philosophers, some scientists and rather few theologians. Pope John Paul II did for the understanding of the subject more than any other pope and he still encourages theologians to take more seriously this survey. In this article four specific themes concerning pope’s teaching on science-religion problem are presented: 1) history of relation between science and religion, 2) religion and physics and cosmology, 3) religion and biology, 4) religion and realistic philosophy.

Pope’s documents and announces show very mature and profound deliberations about the nature of science, religion (theology) and relations between them. The Pope outstretches the unity of the Universe and of the scientific survey but he is also aware of differences between methodologies of sciences, philosophies and theology. We cannot find one common methodology for all researches but we can still believe in finding the integral sense of life, Universe, and God’s presence in our life and world. John Paul II not only gave us some explanations in the difficult subject concerning science-religion problems but also encourages both scientists and theologians to continue this program.

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How to Cite
Wolak, Z. (2014). John Paul II on relation between science and religion. Philosophical Problems in Science (Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce), (57), 83–110. Retrieved from


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