Hilbert’s mathematical subject

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Bartosz Brożek
Adam Olszewski


The aim of this paper is threefold. First, on the basis of Gordan’s problem and Hilbert’s basis theorem we want to say a few words about the formation of Hilbert’s philosophy of mathematics in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Second, we attempt to reconstruct Hilbert’s Program highlighting the role of reasoning which is not conducted within the axiomatic system. Third, we formulate and try to justify the claim that Hilbert’s Program assumes some metaphysics of the subject that – in general terms – is identical with Kant’s transcendental subject.

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How to Cite
Brożek, B., & Olszewski, A. (2013). Hilbert’s mathematical subject. Philosophical Problems in Science (Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce), (53), 93–132. Retrieved from https://zfn.edu.pl/index.php/zfn/article/view/59


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