Philosphical programme of Joseph Życiński

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Michał Heller


Even a preliminary review of philosophical works left by Archbishop Joseph Życiński reveals that he had a clearly outlined philosophical program. Unfortunately, his premature death has not allowed him to fully implement it. His early fascination with science resulted in his original approach to philosophy of science. Rational methods employed by science turned his attention to rationality as an ontological property of the world. This, in turn, led him to an idea of a renewal of metaphysics (although he never used this expression). New style of metaphysics should consist in maintaining traditional 'big questions of philosophy' but treating them with more extensive help of analytic method. This approach should also elaborate an analysis of mutual relations between various philosophical systems. Życiński believed that Whitehead's style of doing philosophy could provide an inspiration to this kind of renewed metaphysics. After becoming a bishop his interests turned to more practical issues related to the contemporary increase of irrationality. He extensively wrote against postmodernism and religious fundamentalism, especially as opposing biological theory of evolution.

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How to Cite
Heller, M. (2011). Philosphical programme of Joseph Życiński. Philosophical Problems in Science (Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce), (48), 5–22. Retrieved from